Die Hard Wiki

Alexander was a German terrorist, employed by Hans Gruber to be part of the Nakatomi Plaza robbery. Alexander served as Gruber's weapons expert.

Die Hard[]

Alexander was among the terrorists in the Pacific Courier truck and joined the rest of the group in the elevator. After he loaded his magazine to his machine gun, Alexander was among the men taking over the 30th floor where the party was held at. His job included guarding the hostages. When a police car was coming in, Alexander came down to be on a lookout with Karl, Franco and Fritz joining him shortly. When Marco's body was dropped on the cop car, Alexander fired his M60E3 Machine Gun at the car, but he was unable to kill the officer, Al Powell. When the TV news crew, led by Richard Thornburg, arrived, Alexander turns on the mini-TV in the office of Holly Gennero, so that Hans could watch news updates.

PDVD 084

Alexander readies the rocket launcher to fire at the SWAT RV.

When they discover that the cops will be coming in and Theo spots the armored police RV vehicle coming on the southeast corner, Alexander is sent to fire missiles at it from the third floor while James loads the missiles on the loader. As they were moving the missiles, one of the missile boxes fell off. When James tries to get it, Alexander tells him to leave it, since they have to stop the vehicle. Once they set up the launcher, Alexander sees the armored vehicle coming to them. When James loaded the missile, Alexander fires at the vehicle, hitting it and rendering it immobile.

After Hans orders Alexander and James to hit the vehicle again, Alexander fires another missile, which causes more damage to the armored car. Alexander tells James that he needs another rocket, and he was waiting for it when McClane tossed C4 down the elevator shaft leading to Alexander and James' position. The resulting explosion vaporized & killed Alexander and James completely. They were the fourth and fifth terrorists to die.


  • "Da I see him!"(There I see him!)
  • "Weiter! Halt heir!"(Further! Stop here!)
  • "Clear!"
  • "Noch einmal !"(Once again !)
  • Schnell! Schnell! Mach schnell!(Faster! Faster! Go faster!)
  • Lass liegen! Weiter! Weiter! Weiter!(Leave it! Further! Further! Further!)
  • Macht los! Macht los! (Let's go! Let's go!)
  • Hol die andere hier schnell! Hier! Mach schnell! Macht los! Go! Go! (Get the other one here quick! Here! Hurry up! Let's go! Go! Go!)

Die Hard Characters
John McClane - Holly Gennero - Lucy McClane - John McClane, Jr. - Al Powell - Richard Thornburg
Die Hard Hans Gruber - Karl Vreski - Dwayne T. Robinson - Harry Ellis - Joe Takagi - Argyle - Ginny - Theo - Eddie - Heinrich - Alexander - Tony Vreski - Franco - Fritz - Marco - Uli - James - Kristoff - Harvey Johnson - Gail Wallens - Mitchell - Rivers - Special Agent Johnson - Agent Johnson
Die Hard 2 William Stuart - Ramon Esperanza - Major Grant - Carmine Lorenzo - Leslie Barnes - Ed Trudeau - Marvin - Samantha Coleman - Garber - Kahn - Oswald Cochrane - O'Reilly - Baker - Thompson - Burke - Miller - Sheldon - Shockley - Mulkey - Sherman - Albertson - Telford - Vito Lorenzo
Die Hard with a Vengeance Simon Gruber - Zeus Carver - Joe Lambert - Connie Kowalski - Walter Cobb - Ricky Walsh - Mathias Targo - Katya - Charles Weiss - Jane - Fred Schiller - Dexter - Raymond - Jerry Parks - Karl - Otto - Mischa - Nils - Klaus - Rolf
Live Free or Die Hard Matt Farrell - Thomas Gabriel - Mai Linh - Warlock - Miguel Bowman - Emerson - Trey - Russo - Rand - Del - Molina - Taylor - Raj
A Good Day to Die Hard Yuri Komarov - Irina Komarov - Viktor Chagarin - Alik - Mike Collins - Murphy